Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Posted by Janet at 9:33 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Posted by Janet at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8th....
So it's been some time since I've written anything....but there's been many reasons for this. Some reasons good, and some not so good, but never mind that. Here I am writing, that is what is important.
Today is December 8th, in case you didn't know. This date can mean lots of things to many different people. For instance it's the day after the day that will forever live in infamy. It's also around the day that the DC Capital Christmas tree is lit. And even more, December 8th is like a fellow bloggy friend's Christmas. (Seriously, Lula is a blog goddess, check out her stuff).
But these are not the reasons that pulled me out of my self-imposed blog ban.
One of the reasons, I am not even sure it IS. When it IS, I will surely come here, FB and send out emails that what I have been waiting and waiting for ages and ages, finally IS. I hope to hear word about this dramatic announcement, before the end of the week. Stay tuned...
Another reason, is that it is one of my fav blog's (yes, that Twilight Blog) 1 year Anniversary. Why would this bring me out of my blogging prohibition? Well, that crazy ass Twi-Blog has been a god send for me in my life at the time I needed to laugh the most. So, like both UC and Moon do everyday, today I write you a letter.
Dear UC & Moon,
FUCKERY! Yes, I started my letter to you with my fav curse word. This writing your thoughts and thankfulness is hard (that's what she said). I found your Letters Blog via one of those informative Twi-blog's that was mentioned in a WashingPost article about what is IN for 2009. Your blog was mentioned and linked to, in one of the informative Twi-Blog's posts, and I went to take a gander. From day one, I was hooked. I've looked and looked but can't seem to remember when or where I read the the first post. Fearing for my lack of funny, it took me even more time to make a comment. But, irregardless, all I knew was when I found your blog, I was "home".
After seeing the movie and reading all the books in some short amount of time, I was feeling very embarrassed of my 30 something Twi-session. It seemed even those friends of mine (I'm talking about you book club) that also read and loved the series, didn't want to discuss my love for that one quote, the awesome hot kiss in the movie, the background alleged rumors of the Twi-cast while filming, etc. And most importantly, no one wanted to make fun of my new found obsession with me. That is until I began reading my LTT and then LTR.
You see at the time I found the blogs. I was going through my first holiday season post separation from the wasband. I was depressed, lonely, sad, and looking for anything to take my mind off of it. Of course Stephanie's Twilight and people to discuss it, fulfilled this need. Laughs, and laughs, and laughs, and some tears later, here I am.
The girls who write these blogs are responsible, for many others' happiness, growth, and laughs. But they are also responsible for fostering many new found relationships. At this time, I have met at least one of the ladies who writes these blogs, and at least 10 others who I have met solely because of these blogs. All the funny and friendships these girl's foster everyday, make them truly special, to me and the many others whose lives they touch everyday. Not many people can touch so many and cause such wonderfulness, and I know they both feel truly blessed to contribute so much.
I am very thankful to have stumbled upon this fandom, to have fostered life long friends all over the world, to have visited cities and experienced new music, all of which I may not have been able to do without the two ladies, I call UC and Moon, or Noreen and Bunny, or ___ and ____. (FYI - people online use many aliases). Thank you so much and Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
Your Twi-lawyer Forever,
Jane Trigs (like I said, aliases)
PS to my "Real Life" friends....you all will also always be my real life "home". Thank you for dealing with me and my Twi-ness. However, I know you all would agree with me, I have become, more confident, less depressed, and in a happier space since I found my bloggy pals. Many of you have even met and laughed with me as I've hung with my bloggy friends. Today, I am thankful that I have been able to add even more blissful people to my life.
PPS Let's Do This!
Posted by Janet at 4:29 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....SEASON Finale and LIVE Twitter
Okay, you all are gonna think I am effing crazy, but most already know this. I am going to try to do duel geeky computer stuff tonight while watching LOST season finale. I need to LIVE blog to LOST because it's what I do. But I also need to help out my LTR ladies with keeping #Rpattz in the top 10 Trending Topics on www.twitter.com. If you don't Twitter you probably don't know what this is, but it's like being at te top of the Twitter food chain and you have to keep tweeting #Rpattz without stopping. We've been going on for over 24 hours. So why? Well, it's the Twilight guy's Bday. You know, the one smokin up in the top right corner. Yum!!
So anyhow, I plan to go back and forth to Twitter and to LIVE blog to LOST. Lord oh mighty I am a total dork!
OK, I have 5 minutes to get ready.
Wow, is that wool? What time are we in? Jacob time I think! Am I watching LOST? What or who? Older equipment and tools cooking on rock and eating off a leaf. Ahhh shucks its BLACK ROCK! "You brought them here"? Huh? Are they like Roman Gods? He looks kind of cute, like a God. IT WAS JACOB, the cute one. Ohh and the statue.
Now which era are we in? 1980's maybe? Kids stealing NICE. Stealing lunch boxes. Is about the 80's. Maybe it is 1986? Nope it's the 1990's. And it was little Kate! Jacob saved Kate. How lovely. Baby Kate was a cutie.
Back to Darhma 70's. On the sub, Kate is complaining about Jack. Juliet gave them the stink eye.
Faraday's journal seems to have all the answers. How did he not know he would be shot? Time table explicitness? Huh? How did I miss that? That guy is a total dick. Get that drill started again. Well there goes the world.
3 years later. Going to kil Jacob with Locke. Exciting. I love this part of the island. The rocks. Ben has never met Jacob. Interesting. Is Alpert going to really question Locke about why he is alive? Ohhh, we are killing Jacob to save him. Oh good, finally more from the crazes shadow foot people. Smack friends in face with rifles. Sounds about right for LOST.
They've got a BOX, wonder if it's a magic box. Well, whatever it is, "It's terrific!"
Now, at a funeral. Whose? Sawyer's Mom and Dad? Who?? Oh Look, Jacob to the rescue again. Giving Baby James (I called it) a pen! Who's this counseling Sawyer? FYI - Sawyer did not listen to you. "What's Done is Done." Hmmmm.
Darhma 70s time again. Inside sub. When is the sub taking off? Juliet took over for Sawyer again? I love it when she does that. Oh noes, they are pulling out. Oh Juliet took over. Awesome. Horace can't call you buddy.
Sayid is thankfully there to make sens of bomb info in Daniel's journal. Messing with the bomb. Jack says, yup I know him and don't give up on Locke. He knows.
Locke has male boobies. He just does. Locke is shocked that Ben will do whatever he says. Ben's gonna kill the Jacob, not Locke. Ha!!
What the eff time are we now? Why did we have to watch Nadia die? Jacob why are you an ass? Locke can you ask Sayid to kill Jacob for basically helping to cause Nadia's death. Ok, back to the bomb with Jack and Sayid. Wow hammering Alpert hammer away at the wall. Alpert is "protecting" the leader. Sayid trusts no one. Whose house are they in? Wondering...
"deadly force'. Oh noes. Eff shoot effing Sayid why don't you. Not to worry, he always gets shot.
Ahh Kate, Sawyer, Juliet now would be a god time. Oh good, Jin to rescue.
Darhma 1970. Juliet looks pissed about the banter. Kate Thanks Juliet. Swyer smells a 3 way!
Vincent is there!! My fav! And Benard and Rose. Crazy!! Srlsy, what effing road. There is no road, They are on an island. Let's all go to the Swan. Rose and Benard are retired. They rule in their hut! Listen to Rose break it down. She's like who cares. Bernard sees how pissed Juliet is.
OK, now current time with Locke and Lapidus and the Box. Oh good, they are the good guys. Totally releived. It's Rose & Benards's cabin! Or is it Jacob's cabin?
OK now when? Post current time? OK here's Jacob again. Jacob is asking Alana for help. Picture fell. Someone else has been using it. They are gonna burn the cabin. Hmm. There goes the jungle. Now going to the statue. OMG Jacob is a 60ft flaming man, with his burning cabin (LOST Podcast joke)!
Flannery O'Connor. Jacob reading at hospital. As Locke falls from window. Jacob saves him. How nice you are Jacob. Locke has stupid goofy grin still. Catching breath at old beach. Fab. Ben loves his alone time. Ohhh, describing first Jacob encounter. Ben made up the Jacob. But he is real, for realz. Ben says that's what he does, he lies. Yeah Ben why wouldn't you want to kill Jacob?
Oh, the Baby cradle. SO sad. Oh and a Charlie ring. Ohhhh. Tear. Now, we are reminescing with Sun. Cute. And Jacob was there too and spoke Korean. Freaky.
Darhma 1970s. Kate, Sawyer and Juliet say Hells No! PART 1 DONE.
Current time - Locke and Alpert are at the statue. That is where Jacob lives you know. Duuhhh!
Back to Darhma - Sawyer and Jack gonna talk. They owe it to one another.
Pre-island Jack time, I bet. Jack's Dad says count to 5 and close your eyes. How embarassing. My heart went out to Jack when his Daddy did that. Ohhh Apollo bar. :) Jack's Daddy is a show off. Jack's Dad did put him in a time out. Jack, please believe in Jack. Oh and here is Jacob, on cue.
Back to Darhma 1970s time. Sawyer and Jack time alone. "What's done is done". Again. Jack what is your destiny? Jack is doing this for effing Kate?? Please. Oh good, it's a fight. Awesome. Sawyer don't kill him. Juliet changed her mind Sawyer. Women do that.
Now who the eff? Oh it's Baby Juliet and her lil sis. Two people that love each other aren;t always supposed to be together. Never a truer word said. Sawyer is like, Juliet WTF? Juliet is a jealous B. Juliet is effing stupid.
1970s Darhma again, but with Horace. Well they know they are coming. Kate you are gonna still be pissed. Jack now you are asking about Aaron. Jack is talking everyone into the bomb plan.
Almost time for the incident. Kate is now with Jack.
Dude, Hurley is like I killed people, Srsly. We get to see how he got there. Oh Jacob made him. Strange. This whole video is strange. And Twizzlers!!!! Just like Twilight. Jacob was waiting for Hugo. And now he will talk Hurley into going back to island. You are blessed Hurley!! "Wonderful except for the part where I am crazy." Again, God Bless Hurley!! Just be on the plane says Jacob.
Everything will be fine when Jack changes everything. Jack Rulz! Only 30 more minutes. Oh noes, Sayid is a goner. Sucks! I hope Jack jumps in the whole like a kamikazi pilot. See ya in LA. Jack how you gonna get past Horace??
OK, now back to Locke and the statue. What happened to the statue? Sun ain't taken your shit, Ben. And Locke ain't taken' Richard's shit either. Magical doors that Richard always finds. He is the "Gatekeeper". Ben is mesmorizing by the fire leading to Jacob. Locke's giving Ben his knife, then walking ahead of him. Yikes!
Well, atleast we know what lies in the shadow of the statute that those crazed people were talking about. ARe they already there ahead of Locke and Ben??
Darhma 1970s. The nuke could be the incident. What now? Oh Live together Die alone. Great, there is a crazy amount of madness happening. Incident or not incident. Jack is on the move. How is Jack such a great shot? They all are.
They hit the pocket. Go Jack Go!! Okay, now what? Large electromagnetic field.
And Juliet is gone. Stupid chains.
Current, Locke time. Here comes the MAGIC BOX. Apperently, Richard is Ricarlos. And he knows about what lies beneath the shadow. What's in the BOX?? Who is it? OMG it's Dead Locke or some other dead dude. Now what again.
Is this all stupid Ben's test? To make sure that he follows Locke. They have met in a manner of speaking. But Ben, you have a choice. What choice? Go or leave us to discuss the issues. Ben is pissed. Maybe he will die now. I hope so. Locke is Moses, Ben, just sayin'.
What about you Ben? You go Ben. They're coming.... And Jacob is burning.
Back to 1970's Darhma. Jack is dilirious. Save Sawyer who lost Juliet. Somehow Juliet is not dead. Okay....Cool. She is gonna activate the bomb or beat it to death. OK, Cool. LOST ended in a white screen. I have to wait until 2010. I guess I need a new blog topic.
Posted by Janet at 5:52 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....Let's All Go See Jacob
Oh nooees. Every episode now has someone getting shot? Am I right? Look it's an a$$hole on horseback. It's 1970's time - Yup, Moms you killed him. Uhh, yes we came with him, if you stop hitting me in the face!
30 years when? Huh? What? 30 years before after, I missed it. Well Richard looks the same. Can't tell. John there now too. Ok and now we are 3 years after they left the Island. Your people, my people, our people. Whose people. Richard is an advisor.....For a VERY long time. And he watched them all die!! duh du duuuuu. Stupid Logo.
Okay they get yelled at and stuck in a hut, and Kate and Jack are just talking like nothing happen. "It was not all misery". Now we have the magic of the journal and we can change everything everywhere and for all time. Awesomeness. Why does Kate look so tan a Jack so bloody?
Oh Crap Darhma thugs at it again. Nobody slaps Mr. LaFleur, I mean, Sawyer. Wow, he means effing business. I hate the Sawyer beatings. I can't deal...poor Sawyer.
CRAP!! RUN Hurley RUN!!! Hurley is always looking after his peeps. Dr. Chang is here now. Hurley, "But we asked you first". I love Hurley. What year were you born? Hurley does not know his history. Faraday was right so far, except when he got effing shot! And now Jack & Kate are untied and met Whidmore.
Ok, so seeing Jacob is a problem??? Hmmmm. Going now to see a plane. What Plane? John Locke is freaky deaky! That man, the one you'll talk to, well, that me. This show is moving very very very fast.
Can't believe it's almost 30 minutes until over. Eff.
Magical, Richard Alpert came to help. I love me some eyeliner. Errr shush it, Ben! Actually Ben effing killed me, because he sucks, Richard. You should have let him die before.
1970's Evacuate the island. Dr. Chang is, "lets go." I love that Juliet and Sawyer = Love.
Uh oh. Kate can't swim. Oh no, gun shots. Great...Oh thank god!! That's where he's been this whole time. Crouched behind an effing bush. God bless Sayid.
What is anyone ever going to do? Bee-atch slap her, Sayid. Do it. Why did Kate save him, why? Everyone one on the island dies anyway. What is whose destiny? What is happening? Someone make a decision. Where's Sawyer?
Sawyer always has a plan...those two are crazy cute. And really beat the eff up. What's the plan? I guess it is to say Efff you, Sawyer Out!
Time to swim with eyeliner and Jack. Swim Swim swim. Ohhh it's the pretty waterfall. It's the temple. And they are in the tunnels. Wow, someone talked some kind of smartness for half a minute, "No, Jack. Not through the pool. It's a big bomb."
Back to John and his others in his "present time". John's gonna break it down to everyone now. "Okay, everyone, follow me to Jacob." Murmurmurmerrrrr. John Locke will be trouble. And that is why Ben tried to kill him.
Marching to the sub sub sub. What's a real world? If Sawyer leaves the show right now. I am gonna freak the eff out! And Kate has to ruin everything. Stupid Kate. If looks could kill, Juliet just shot Kate. Very official sub activity. All quiet. Sub leaving.....
Okay back to Jack. Wow, good point Sayid. Why do you trust Ellie? Okay, here's the bomby bomb. Now, what? Just what I was thinking...
Now Locke's troopers are a walking. Hahahahaha. We're going to Jacob so we can kill him. Of course we are. WTF???
To Sum up ->> WTF?? No words. Just WOW!!
Posted by Janet at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....Baby Dan, Baby Charlotte & 100th Episode
Posted by Janet at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....O 6, Take 2
Voice over guy, sounds pretty freaky.
Story of Oceanic 6. Exciting. Is this going to just be this guy's voice and tons of stuff I have seen already. Cause if it is, I'll watch it, but, Live Blogging might be off.
Okay, so far just a lot of explanation.....
Can't live blog to this shizz. Will just watch it. Educational but not bloggirific enough.
Posted by Janet at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Random Tuesdays....Chewley and the Hillls
Posted by Janet at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Live LOST Blogging.....Miles "Gift" and Hurley helps George
Posted by Janet at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Random Tuesdays....Charlotte & Sydney
Posted by Janet at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....Home sweet Home, but Dead is Dead
Posted by Janet at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
New Method to remember to Blog...Random Tuesdays!
Posted by Janet at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....Freckles is Crazed again
Posted by Janet at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
14 - 25 more randomness....
Posted by Janet at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
For Catina...25 even more Random thoughts (very Twilight Heavy, sorry)
Posted by Janet at 8:14 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Live LOST Blogging....Baby Ben and Sayid
Posted by Janet at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Aged like a Fine Wine....
Posted by Janet at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
More Live LOST blogging....Buckle Up
Airplanes can stall in the air? Effing crazy. Wonder if the "monster" will suck up and eat the annoying co-pilot. Why did the LOSTies never find the freaking runway?
Oh good, the Island took out the annoying co-pilot. Cesar is cool. How is Sun stuck here? What the Eff? And why is Ben not more beaten up? Wasn't he among the "injured" before?
So they are 30 years separated. Is this the first show that has had a true connect to the previous aired show, in a while? I mean the last show two weeks ago, ended with one of the first scenes on this weeks show. I think so. They have been jumping on and off island or with LOSTies or Others, between every other show.
Darhma jump suits??? Uh oh....lots of stuff has happen since you have been gone, like its 30 years before. My birth year, 1977!!! Good year to pick!
FYI - I found Micheal...he is not dead, he is on the "Usuals".
Bring 'em in! Didn't come back alone....Oh no. Jin is going nutso. My new lady (or old lady) has taken your place, Kate.
Boy, they sure trust James, Miles, et al. They get to do the island surevelliance and security. I think I like Sawyer more scruffy and less James.
Jin is being VERY forceful. He's going to take the man out. I enjoyed, his "model" by the way. Jin=Quan.
Poor poor Sun. How much does this other new lady look like Ana Lucia? Oh Wow, this is like LOST show #1. You go Sun, you follow that evil SOB. Creepy creepy guy. He is such a creepster, that Ben. He should be in the Volturi. "You wanna come?"
I want to know who the baby is! Oh, ok he's a dead baby. Stupid Ethan who takes Claire later and Charlie has to kill you.
Sawyer's Back!
Toadly have to listen to Sawyer. He is the poo. Whoa, Jin is seriously going crazy in this episode. So determined. Oh wow! It's Sayid. Don 't talk Sayid!
Hurley is back in his VW Blue Van. I really love Kate's top! ooooooo, meet and greet video. Can't wait! Hey, Sawyer just said, SOB! And, on cue, here is Ben the SOB.
Ok, let's all take a row trip across the pond....main island ahoy, maties. Oh come on, you know that they'll go, stop talking about "Trust". Do you wonder if Lapidus ever turns into a werewolf? I hope so....oh, that is how Ben gets more hurt. I love when Sun lies.
Oh, I love the initiation video! Peter Chang is the coolest. Did Juliet do that on purpose? Makes Kate a little "suspect" now, to that other check-in guy. Juliet, don't act like Ben. Man, this "quick Draw" guys is a SOB also. Boy, it sure gets dark around here fast.
I hate that Sun calls, Jin "Her Husband". He has a name. Oh good, the monster thing is hanging out or maybe they will run into Claire? Oh look a light! and is it the Dad? Of course it's Jack's Dad. Oh Eff!! Follow him, where.....Stupid commercial.....
7 more minutes!!! They are back in the freakin shack. Showing off class photos. Where's Claire? Look at Sayid cool updated clothes? Purple shirts = 2007. Oh, Sayid is back in a cell. Poooo. Poor Sayid. He is going to go ape shit.
See, even Sawyer hates James. Where did Juliet get a hair straightener? She looks awesome. Jack is like, I am not a worker. No, Sawyer is calling him a "reacter" and Sawyer is a "thinker". Ahhh shucks, Sawyer is in charge now. La Fleur is HOT! Kate thinks so also.
Sandwich delivery from...Ben I believe. Yup. Even little Ben is creepy, maybe he should play Alec.... Ahhhh Bad Robot already. Pooo, but next week looks GOOD!
Posted by Janet at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Remembered to Blog, but....
Not quite ready to suss out the thoughts that I had, but it was about food, cooking, and the microwave. But, I am a little crazy about "The Office" tonight.
Best word, "fetisized". Is that a word? Megan, did I spell it right?
P.S. They had Twilight on "Kath & Kim" tonight and not just sitting on a table or on a shelf. How sad is it that I was excited about that? Until tommorrow......
Posted by Janet at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I really had a good blog to write, but...
So, I did have a good blog to write, but, it's late and I want to go to bed early tonight, if I can...
Besides, LOST wasn't on tonight. What is that about? Total CRAP!! Ughh! Until tomorrow, enjoy these Kelly Clarkson lyrics, dedicated to my 100% friend, so that she remembers about people that 100% suck!
P.S. Make sure you picture, the four-year-old Mollykins singing it at the top of her lungs to make you smile even more.
Here's the thing we started off friends, It was cool but it was all pretend
Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
You dedicated you took the time, Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah Yeah Since you've been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say, Is how I pictured me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say
But since you've been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin on Yeah yeah
Thanks to you, Now I get What I want, Since you've been gone
How can I put it? you put me on, I even fell for that stupid love song
Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
How come I never hear you say, I just wanna be with you, I guess you never felt that way
But since you've been gone, I can breathe for the first time, I'm so movin on
Yeah yeah, Thanks to you, Now I get what I want, Since you've been gone
You had your chance you blew it, Out of sight, out of mind
Shut your mouth I just can't take it
Again and again and again and again
Since you've been gone, I can breathe for the first time, I'm so movin on
Yeah yeah, Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get I get what I want I can breathe for the first time, I'm so movin on
Yeah yeah, Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get (I get)You should know (you should know)
That I get I get what I want
Since you've been gone, Since you've been gone, Since you've been gone
Posted by Janet at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
100% Friends & Fun

Posted by Janet at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
HOW TO BE and more Spunk
Posted by Janet at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Preview of "the movie"
Posted by Janet at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mr. La Fleur
After walking my treadmill for 30 whole minutes, listening to my workout mix-yup, I am into music now-, I sat down to enjoy my "treat" and other addiction, LOST.
First scene has my Sawyer, in a jumpsuit looking mighty hot, named Mr. La Fleur.
Tell me how is Elizabeth Mitchell (Charlotte) still listed in the credits when she died two weeks ago. Ohh they call Sawyer,"Jim". Think the baby is little Charlotte? Poor little Daniel....
When did these guys become such good shots? Shooting practice, after Latin class for the LOST, others.
Does Jim look more buff? Maybe its the muscle flexing carrying the dead guy. Amy's such a trickster. Did they ever stop and think that the reason that the babies dying issue is because of the radio active fence they keep crossing? Oh blessed, it's a boy, everyone is good.
I love Hippy Horace. You are NOT Darhma material. Me either....There she (Charlotte) is, ohhhh Daniel's imprinting. La Fleur means flower. Weird, that Alpert never ages....or changes his clothes.
Yummmmm, got my red wine. :)
Eyeliner...glad someone said it. Amy is nuts. What is her Darhma job? Amy is fishy, I tell you. How do so many people have this curly perfect hair. Where is the humidity frizz?1974!! I wasn't quite here yet either. But 3 years later, I was. And so were Sawyer's hormones and lovey dovey-ness, apparently.
I love the sexy Sawyer glasses. How's your head....It's been said twice in this show. I wonder who the baby boy was (is)....Anyone we met? 3 years since he was with Kate, ahhhhh. Guess 3 years is the magic number, good to know. North Valley??????? Dah, dah, dah....
WOW!!! It's gonna be Kate!! And the rest,...but all he cares about is Kate.
Live LOST blogging makes me more of a dork, but less of a Twi-crack alcoholic I think. :)
Posted by Janet at 6:09 PM 0 comments
I've decided to change my blog title and start over, because I suck at blogging. I keep forgetting to do it, or rather, don't make time to do it. But don't feel bad, I have not been taking the time to exercise either.
On the other hand, I am a Twilight aficionado. Ask me any random, twilight, spunk ransom question, or about other recent vampire literature and I can tell you about it. About those mindless things, or about LOST, I am nuts. Or, to put it more properly, toadly crazy....
Posted by Janet at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Can't Write....
Posted by Janet at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
More Obsession Speak, Moving On

Posted by Janet at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 more Random Things about Me!
Yesterday, Shell was shocked that I could come up with 25 random thoughts, but I think that this is a great writing exercise and it is getting me to continually write so I am going to keep going until I have a full concise thought to get out.
1. I passed the Maryland Bar Exam on the first try! Yet, I don't practice in a courtroom, but it's nice to know that I always can.
2. I have to wear hats at work frequently to keep my body temperature up. Taking blood thinners in the winter time, is a B!
3. I blame my coumadin on everything, from my nose bleeds and heavy bruising (toadly founded) and my computer hating me (possibly unfounded).
4. I never thought that I would be working in contracts, but I like most people I work with, I have great job security, and am never bored. Very burnt out, but never bored.
5. I may never be able to have children, although I have never tried, the blood disorder that I have is one of the very few conditions that one can have, which may cause a miscarriage in the 3rd trimester. This pisses me off to no end. But I have never tried and anything is possible, we shall see.
6. I am trying to make my friend have a child for me when it comes time, because her child turned out perfect and she was in so much of a better mood when she was pregnant. It's really best for everyone involved.
7. I don't want to have a child by myself, but I plan on doing just that if I can't find myself a baby daddy by the time I am 41. Don't ask....41 just seems like a good number.
8. I am pretty relieved that I don't have kids at this point in my life because, because I love Guinness and my wine way too much right now.
9. The entire time I was married to my ex-hole, Irish, Marine, wasband, I never even liked Guinness and refused to drink it out at pubs and the like. For some reason now, its my fav. Go figure!
10. I can't bring myself to put Xmas away. It just makes me happy. I love my Xmas cheery decorations. I have taken the lights off my porch so the general public does not have to deal with my inability to put the stuff away.
11. I have been recruiting more people to read the Twilight series, and now people blame me for their lack of sleep. Mustly I like to make people become as obsessed as I am, so as not to feel too crazy.
12. I once lost 40lbs on Weight Watchers and need to remind myself that I do have the ability to lose the weight I have put on by eating my feelings, post separation from wasband.
13. I love working out once I get going, I just have to get over there. FYI - it's another excuse, but in the evening when its dark it's a bit scary to walk over to my apt complex's gym. We need more lights over there, or I am taking my dog.
14. My two animals are named after cities. Sydney the german shepherd and Savannah, the black and white cat.
15. My left leg will always be a bit thicker then my right leg, in the calf/knee area due to the vein damage from my DVT clot. Sometimes there is a one inch difference in width, if I have been standing still for long periods without good blood circulation.
16. I can only take Tylenol or codeine, or stronger. For some reason, Ibuprofen and other pain killers affect the coumadin (blasted rat killer), and only Tylenol is permitted. We all know how Tylenol barely works on mild headaches, imagine being in real pain.
17. I have been in three car accidents. One with Jodie driving, one with Myrna driving, and one with Shell driving. After the car impact, each of their first words were, "Are you okay?'
18. I have the palest skin ever. I once got a sun burn while sitting in the shade of an airport hanger, with SPF 30 on. The sun burn was so bad that I missed work the next Monday because I couldn't wear clothes.
19. Even though I am crazy lonely and sometimes wish to have a significant other in my life, I am determined to just be me, for an entire year after the separation from ex-hole.
20. I can't believe that I am where I am at this point in my life, but am thankful for all that I have.
21. Every morning for the past three, I have woken up very nauseous feeling. Unless I am the new, alternative virgin Mary, I can't be pregnant, but what the hell?
22. I have discovered that I really like sci-fi, but that I am still learning more about shows and books that are out there to enjoy. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
23. I am a champ at senseless calling. In fact, my friends who are driving long distances have been known to contact me to talk because they know that I can carry on a conversation for hours about nothing. My friends also have come to expect that when they ask me what's up when I call them, that I will usually tell them, "Nothing", because I am really just senseless calling.
24. I really want an Edward, but I know that a Jacob would be better for me. Mostly I want to date/be/love someone who treats me like I am a Bella.
25. I am utterly impressed how Stephanie Klein can write so eloquently every day, when I struggle to write small blurbs that are 25 random thoughts in my head.
Posted by Janet at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
25 Random Thoughts Survey from FB
I REFUSE to tag anyone to make them do this, because it has toadly reached viral proportions, and I am just doing this as an exercise, seeing as how inept as of late I have become at consistently blogging.So people, don’t worry about being forced to adapt to the notes feature in FB, just please enjoy my ramblings.
1. I never went bowling until I was 25 years-old. My parents weren’t into it and at some level they believed that bad people hung out at the bowling alley. I actually scored a 22 once in an actual bowling alley, not Wii bowling. It was sad, but funny.
2. I carry a water bottle almost anywhere I go. I am constantly thirsty due to the awesome drug combo I take.
3. Although written about before, I have a rare blood genetic defect that less than1% of everyone in the world has, and as a result I have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life. 4. My best friend that grew up on the same street also has had very rare medical issues and has an auto immune deficiency that is the most rare of all auto immune deficiencies. What was with the water on Lisa Drive?
5. I don’t have a passport and although I once lived 20 minutes from Mexico, I have never been out of the country.
6. Due to 2 different water incidents from my early child hood, I am a bit afraid of the water. I almost drowned when I was 4 after falling into a pool, and my dad jumped in and saved me. Subsequently, I got stung by lots of jelly fish and spent the rest of a family vaca taking pain killers and spreading aloe all over my legs. However, I do like boating, kayaking, and sailing, despite my fear.
7. I can’t play just about any sport, and now have even a better excuse than my overall clumsiness. The blood thinners caution against playing anything that could even remotely cause internal bleeding, head injuries, or other bodily harm.
8. I once broke my right index finger doing jumping jacks, once fell and cut my ear while putting on my pajama pants, and many times have twisted my ankle falling down stairs. Take that Bella!9. I used to share the ownership of a pet frog with my friend Jodie (crap, now you are tagged). I think its name was Hannibal.
10. I can watch any movie and critique it and can even find merit in any terrible movie, no matter what movie it is. I can also repeatedly watch movies over and over, thus irritating those around me.
11. I enjoy living with someone, but like the idea of living alone as well. But I think everyone kind of feels the same about this.
12. I once won lunch for my office. It was great and was supposed to be for a huge, 50 person office, and I only worked at an office of 5 people. We all had leftovers for a full week.
13. I once worked at an office where the owner’s dog came to work every day, even when the owner was away on vacation. His name was Rugby and he was very cute. 14. I have seen Twilight 3 times at the theater and am planning one more viewing. I have read all the books twice.
15. I have seen each Harry Potter movie at least 5 times and have read the last three books in the series twice.
16. I sometimes do wish that mystical creatures like vampires and werewolves were real, although I don’t think they are. But I do believe in ghosts.
17. I usually have to have one chocolate thing every day. Granola bar, hot chocolate, whatever.
18. To maintain my PT INR (blood test to monitor how thin my blood is) I drink one glass of wine a day. Shell can often be heard asking me if I remembered to drink my wine yet. Seriously folks, my hematologist has said, either never drink at all, or you must drink one glass of some kind of alcohol per day to keep the blood levels in check. Guess what avenue I took.19. I love to see famous people, not for autographs or anything else. Just the story of saying I saw them. So far, other than concerts, I have seen, Carrot Top at the airport, Bill Cosby, Spike Lee, and Jessie Jackson at an event in Wash, DC, and President Carter at an event at Univ .of MD.20. I have only been camping twice ever. Once with my mom and bro in KY and once in the CA desert outside of San Diego.21. I have several besties that I have known for a good long portion of my life. One friend that I have been friends with since I was 2, one since I was 8, several since I was 10 – 12, and several for 10 - 15 years. When I find the good ones, I keep them!
22. I cannot remember the names of songs or the names of musical acts, although I can sometimes tell you any movie that some random actor has ever been in. It’s a bit strange.
23. I wanted to go to law school my whole life, which I did and graduated in 2003. I never really knew what I wanted to do after actually going to law school, but I always wanted to go.
24. Although I can be funny, I am nowhere near as funny as my dear friends that are in my life. I think I surround myself with people that not only make me smile, but that can also leave me in stitches.25. I always wanted a dog growing up and I have had the fortunate experience of raising two puppies and caring for a one year old shelter dog. I currently have one cat and one dog. Animals rule!
26. EXTRA ONE - Despite no longer truly being a member of their society, military families and the ties that bind you to them are truly exceptional, and I miss belonging to that society sometimes.
Posted by Janet at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
So I haven't been writing as often as I would like to, despite the fact that I know its good for me. However, I have been exercising, so its all relative. My lack of writing is not due to my lack of time due to my new exercise regime, my busy new television watching schedule, my attendance of "couples" parties, or even my twilight obsession.
Just to prove, partially to myself, but also to those who care, whoever they may be, according to this "TOP" source, Times of the Internet, I am not not too obsessed with Twilight. Below, their list describes the Top 10 of the Twilight obsessed. They also describe that if you have 5 or more, than you are too obsessed. I think I don't truly fall under any of these references, or possibly, even stretching it, I may have like two. I will star those few I relate to and take solace in the fact that I am not "too obsessed". So HA!
10) You've memorized every line of the book series (Um.....no)
9) You refer to yourself as a "Twilight Scholar" (Nope)
8) Your screen name is a Twilight character's name (You've got to be kidding me)
7) You spend all day blogging about the movie (maybe like 10 minutes a week)
6) You are set to receive Twitter updates about "New Moon" * (no, but I do perform daily searches)
5) You think Catherine Hardwicke should be the next President of the United States (Wtf, come on)
4) You actually think you have a future with either Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner (they are both, like 10, or 8)
3) You just know in your heart that vampires are real* (Sort of)
2) You're sure Twilight is non-fiction (uhh...no again)
1) You have your Google Alerts set to notify you anytime anyone in the world mentions Twilight even once. (nope, but like to look at Twilightlexicon daily).
If 5 or more of these statements apply to you, you may already be too far gone to help. If all 10 are applicable, all we can do is send some good vibes and hope for the best.
Posted by Janet at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Another weekend...Another Party
Yup. Time to go back to the 'Dorf to celebrate a friend's bday. Time for more butterflies and uncomfortable silences, but as usual its not as bad as I think it will be. I am trying to concentrate on the after part, where I realize that I should not have been so nervous about a silly party.
Again, this party is one of those, with an older crowd and lots of married folks and couples. I am feeling more and more like how Carrie in Sex and the City explained in one episode that being the single friend among the couples, is a bit awkward. I seem to make all the pairs feel somewhat uncomfortable. It's like they don't know what kind of questions to ask me. And when I describe what I have been doing with myself, I can't help but think that they all think I am a bumbling alcoholic or pathetic couch potato.
Oh well, what can you do bout these things. I just have to feel like I have to do whatever I can to keep me happy and to better me. I just hope that all my married friends and friends who have coupled off can realize that I am the same person that they befriended in the first place and that I have more to offer than silly single girl stories. And they better except my ridiculous obsession with vampires and young adult fiction.
Posted by Janet at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Okay seriously, in the evening when I get home from work, I tend to get right back onto my computer after I have been on it all day. I look up the weather, I read Facebook crap, I search about who might be playing Jane, and I look for more interviews from Spunk Ransom, where he talks about how cats die and how he felt accomplished for trimming his toe nails. My use of the computer is quite random, meaningless, and slightly embarrassing. But it has also kept me from writing my blogs.
Not writing my blogs, makes me less in touch with myself and many of my far away "Readers". My blog writing generally makes me feel good about myself. So with all of my random computing and Internet clicking, why do I not take the time to write up something? Seriously, my eyes have begun burning and watering when my Internet surfing turns into my mad, unsatisfied clicking, late into the evening and the thought of writing only makes them burn more.
I wish I could say that I was looking up things on the Internet that seemed worthwhile or interesting, like porn or recipes. But nope, its just become another one of my endless distractions to entertain myself. Well, I have to get back to writing more regularly even if it means that the eyes burn. I have to get back to exercising and possibly beginning school, like I said that I wanted to do so many months ago when I described my goals. Agghhhhh!!
Maybe I am being too hard on myself, but I don't think so. I think I am beginning to get too distracted by my mindless distractions, to deal with my life and the things I need to take care of. I need some kind of plan. That,...or new goals. Who knows.....
Posted by Janet at 5:55 AM 0 comments