Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More Obsession Speak, Moving On

It seems that I have had too much going on to keep up with writing. Too many re-readings of my Twi-crack, too much TV watching of my fav shows, like LOST and Big Love, or too much time searching the Internet for more New Moon Casting news (also part of Tw-Crack). But no, those obsessions are not the real reason for my lapse in writing, although definitely part of it.

More than these obsessions, are the things that are going on right now with my job, that have caused me to need these distracting obsessions. I have been working between 50-60 hours a week, and still have more work than I can possibly get done. When I finally get home, all I want, all I need, is "my own kind of heroin".

What is worse then needing these mindless distractions and obsessions, is that the Twi-crack obsession is slowing waining thin. It's difficult to to admit that my Twi-crack crazy is running out. I am scared to admit this ridiculousness, because I am worried about what I am going to do with all of my boredom and loneliness without having something to obsess about. It seems scary. It also seems obnoxiously annoying. I guess we all need something to get us through new transitions and uncomfortable times.

On a happier note, I have actually begun working out, and dieting again. I am slowly manipulating my obsessions into that new preoccupation. It's keeping me a little more busy. It's keeping me from over loading on Twi-crack, kind of. Is it bad that two friends have given me new books to read in the past week? Thanks for the hint.