So when you are faced with re-thinking about your life, a common practice to help in moving on is to come up with new goals. When I was married, I had certain goals that obviously don't apply, now that I am single. So, I have been thinking a lot about my new goals, or at least my new goals for right now.
#1 This is my most important, "right now" goal - lose weight and get in shape. If you read yesterday's blog, then you have a clear picture of what started me down my path on unhealthiness. Try, not being able to walk very well or far for several months. But that was awhile ago now, and I have to suck it up and press forward. No more complaining! This means changing my physical activity level as well as eating pattern. We will see how this goes, but it is for now my #1 Goal.
#2 Go back to school - I love school. The pressure of studying for a test, the gobs of reading, the new people you make and be-friend. I didn't realize how much I loved it, until after I'd been out for awhile, but I guess, you never really know how much you miss something until it's gone. (Ha!)
#3 Pay off credit cards - Pretty much self explanatory goal. I know how I got into the CC mess and I know how to get out. Seriously though, I am not a crazy impulse buyer or anything, but you try visiting your family, while having to fly two of you all the way across the country. Holidays, summers, and weddings were VERY expensive and have caused my bills to pile.
#4 Save Money - like most women coming out of a divorce, I will be left in a worse position than I was while married. But, on the up side, I am in a better financial and mental health position than I was before I was married. Regardless, I am thankful, that I will not be left in that bad of a position. It could have been tons and tons worse.
#5 Learn to like myself - I have always had a problem with this one. I think that though, with Goals #1 & #2, along the way, I will improve on this goal.
Hmmmmm....I think five goals is a pretty good start for someone trying to reflect on their life. I guess I will keep a running tab. Odds are the goals will change anyhow. We'll see
Fortune Favors The Bold
People start manifesting this time of year. Vision boards come out. I’ve
done my fair share, knowing the key to manifestation is feeling the desired
1 year ago
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